Porn is Fake, And It’s About to Get Worse

Celebrity sex tapes aren’t a rarity, but over the last few weeks there’s been an extreme uptick in celebrities starring in pornographic films. Why the sudden increase? Technology.
The celebrities starring in these movies aren’t actually in them at all… at least, not physically. A recent Reddit thread (which has been removed as of this post) has been posting a series of porn clips with celebrity faces overlaid on the actual women in the films. This overlaying is created with an easy to use app that requires users to do very little more than just drag and drop the celebrity images into the app and let the algorithm sort it out. With minimal effort and a little bit of time, people can take images of any celebrity, insert them into a porn video, and watch their fantasies unfold before their eyes.
You might be wondering, among other things, how people could be turned on by something so obviously fake, but the fact of the matter is all porn is fake. Pornography takes a real action (sex) and adds in fake scenarios, responses, and expectations.
As technology advances, the fakeness will only increase and more and more people will be lead further away from what a normal, healthy sexual relationship looks like. Make no mistake, the porn you’re watching now is all a lie, tricking you, deceiving you, and making a fool out of you.
Don’t let porn lie to you anymore. Stop believing the lie that porn will fulfill you after it beats you down and makes you feel worthless over and over again. It’s not too late to turn away from porn and start living a life free from the lies.