The Two-Step Process to Living Porn Free

We write a lot of articles about a lot of different angles to porn addiction but I thought I would keep it simple today. There is a lot of science and research behind addiction and when it comes to getting clean there are different strategies and different software to that helps. There are different companies all trying to sell their specific brand of help. And of course everyone is different and are attracted to different aspects of the addiction. This sin and its cure has a lot of variables to it.
But there are two practices that remain the same!
Practicing Confession
If you have our articles or listened to our podcast for any time you know that we preach accountability—a very specific brand of accountability. The reason why we do this is to promote intimacy. Intimacy is allowing people to see who you really are. If you have struggled with this sin or know of someone who does, you know that where it gains its power is when you keep it secret, when you lie. Lying and secrecy keep people walled off from every seeing who you really are. Porn addiction thrives in this environment. As hard as it is to open up about your problems, you will never get over them if you don’t confess them and seek help. If you want to get better practice confession. If you want to keep getting better keep confessing.
Practicing Community
Again, if you have been affected by porn addiction you know that the sin is very isolating. For years I thought I was the only one struggling. Statistics say that it is pretty much the opposite. There are now more people who are struggling with porn than those who aren’t. But this is where Satan likes to keep you—thinking that you are all alone. That no one would understand. That people wouldn’t love you if they knew the “real you.” With this if you look at the practice of porn it is also isolating. The fantasy is trying to get alone so you can escape to the world of porn. After confessing, being in community with people who know you and love you is the best prescription to living a porn free life. We are communal beings by creation and this only helps recovery.
I know I might sound like a broken record at this point but if it works then why not keep saying it? Accountability groups, if done right, work! Once you finally get over yourself, get over the embarrassment, and get over the denial an accountability group is where you need to go. If you want to get better and make lasting change group is where it’s at. It helps you practice both confession and community and if done correctly, it will help you bring both of these things into other areas of your life.
To the addicted person out there, I know where you are! I know the fear of hurting loved ones with my confession. I know the humiliation of not being able to control myself. I know that you are probably looking for any answer but this one. Please listen! This is it. This is your ticket out of the endless, destructive cycle of addiction. Know that I love you already and I desperately want to help you.
Let’s talk.